Monday, November 19, 2007


Worst cultural "fo paw" (clearly I don't speak French) of my life so far:

I was reading a book to the students about what life was like on the Mayflower. One section talked about food and what the Pilgrims and passengers on the Mayflower ate. The sentence said that they used a _______ to heat their food. The word was "brazier." Well, I had not read this book before, so I paused a little before the word, because I was unsure of the pronunciation. I wound up saying "brazierre," which actually means "bra" in Spanish. Way to go, Miss Carlson! So I had just said that the Pilgrims used bras to heat their food on the Mayflower. Needless to say, my kids were laughing pretty hard. I couldn't help but to laugh myself. Oh my.

It was a pretty good day - filled with ups and downs, but the kids were better. Still talkative like crazy, but better.

I bought my bus ticket for Nicaragua today, so I'm officially going ! Yay!

Now off to read and learn about electricity. Hijole....

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