Monday, November 5, 2007


Long story short:
Today I experienced the joys of learning to be flexible in the classroom.

I arrived to school in time, ready to print out my lesson plans for today. The computer wasn't working and there was no where else to print the lessons. I internally freaked out, because I couldn't remember my lessons for the day!!! Thankfully, I had a few notes for both grammar and math which jumpstarted my memory of the lessons.

However, upon talking with my teacher, I realized that I had prepared for the WRONG lesson in math. At this point, the students were already lined up and waiting to come into the classroom! So, quickly, my teacher and I figured out what I would teach for the day. Needless to say, the lesson was kind of boring, but actually was useful practice for the kids. You can never be too prepared, but no matter how much preparation a teacher has, there will always be THOSE times when plans don't matter. I prefer to have fewer rather than more of THOSE days, but I know I need to learn how to "think on my feet," and today definitely encouraged that!

I deactivated my facebook account, not realizing that after you deactivate it twice, you can't return to your former account. OOPS! Maybe this is a good way for me focus more on school!

I'm off to plan. Adios.

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