Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happenings in my Honduran life

There is currently a birthday party underway outside my house. A child (apparently one of my neighbors) is having his or her party in the street. They had a piƱata, sang Happy Birthday, and everything. There is a special tune to Feliz CumpleaƱos here. Actually, it´s a totally different song - one that I do not know yet. I love the sounds of the birthday party - kids playing in the street, obviously having fun. They´re comforting and encouraging sounds. All seems well in the world - for awhile, at least - when kids are happy.

A problem I have run into - I need to renew my permit to be here in Honduras. They gave me a 30 day permit, and I am here for exactly 60 days. Today marks the 1month anniversary of me leaving the States. Thus, I brought in my passport to school, and they took it to the Honduran office of immigration or whatever. I was informed (today) that it usually takes 3 days to get your passport back.

I bought a bus ticket to Nicaragua last night for $66. We leave on Thursday.

See a problem? Today is Tuesday. Three days from today is Friday. The bus leaves early on Thursday morning for Nicaragua (a different country) which requires me to have my passport.

Uh oh. Problem. What am I going to do? I don´t know yet. It looks like my options include these -
-try (again) to persuade the immigration office to get me my passport TOMORROW!
-stay in the country, at my house, with my roommate and find some ministry opportunities
-go on a trip with other IST teachers and stay in the country
-take the bus to Nicaragua and try to pay off the guards at the border. Possible? Yes. Scary and somewhat risky? Yes.

If you have input or divine wisdom, please let me know. It looks like things will be different (at least somewhat) than I anticipated. I should have known..... or as some teachers say TIH!! (This is Honduras)

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