Monday, December 3, 2007

Mixed Thoughts/Emotions

I've started only teaching 2 subjects a day, which is nice, but it has its drawbacks.

I realized today that I'm going to have to fight really hard to stay focused on school during these next 2 weeks. I'm loving the culture here, but I'm ready to be done with student teaching. However, if I end my experience with a lackadaisical (yes, I had to look it up to know its spelling) attitude, that's not only going to affect my kids, but also my teacher's impression of me. Not a good way to end this experience. So, I must keep pressing ahead, knowing that both the kids and other teachers are anxious for Christmas break. One thing that has helped me a TON during my time here has been the support of the fellow American teachers. They all know that teaching at IST and living in Honduras is no easy task. Teaching itself is hard enough, but add the gazillion (I looked that word up, too...haha) other factors that affect teaching and life here, and you've got a very challenging situation.

Anyway, we're going to Hospital Escuela on Friday with all of the 5th graders. We've been collecting nicely used and new stuffed animals and we're going to deliver them to kids who are in the hospital. So I hear, there will be a lot of kids who don't have much money, so this will hopefully mean a lot to them. Hopefully, in the process, the IST kids will also learn about themselves, their responsibility (coming from families with money), and the status of their country. It should be a good time.

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