Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm DONE!!!!

My last day of school was today, so I'm DONE!!!! Officially, however, I am not done, because I have to finish planning a math unit. I didn't have time to finish it during the week, so now I'm stuck with weekend work. Bah-humbug. It stinks, but at least I don't have to plan a ton of things!!

My kids through me a surprise party for me. However, I have discovered that a "surprise" party doesn't really work very well in Elementary. No one said anything, but I picked up on the "small" clues. Some of the students brought candy and small pastries, and I poured pop. They had written on the white board and some of them made me cards. It was nice of them.

I am going to bed at 7pm tonight. I'm still sick - it's in my voice and my nose now. Surprise, surprise! Also, I have been getting around 5 0r 5.5 hrs of sleep, so I am in the mood/physical state that requires more sleep. I can probably get 12 hrs now.... ahh..

Vacation is near! Thank you to those of you who have been praying for me!

1 comment:

Josué Greenman said...

Too much sleep causes cancer.