Monday, December 17, 2007

Atypical Days

How do I process what has just happened? This is my feeble attempt. However, let me add that I don't process things quickly, so this is only one small step to making sense of an experience.

I went downtown last night to meet my family's Compassion child. I was nervous about going - not so much because I was nervous about what I was going to say - but I was worried about going to El Centro by myself at night. However, I paid almost $5 for a taxi, so I got to the hotel fine. I know I was also a bit nervous about the whoel encounter, because I had such high expectations for it.

I got to the hotel, went up to the room, and no one was there. However, as I came back to the lobby, a younger man looked at me affirmingly and said something. I took a double-take at the man, and he said "It's her." He pointed and said "there's the boy." I looked and saw a handsome 12-year old boy wearing a Puma shirt and blue slacks. He had the hugest, sweetest smile.

We spent about 2 hours getting to know each other in the hotel lobby. He prefers to be called Enrique. In fact, the project director called him "que-quito," (I think). It's the endearing form of "little Enrique." It was neat to see the relationship between the project director and Enrique. It's clear that Enrique sees him as a male adult figure, and I'm guessing that the director even acts as a sort of Dad for many of the project kids. I was very impressed.

I didn't sleep normally last night, because I was so excited to see him again in the morning. I got together some extra goodies - gum, candy, a bracelet, etc. - that I had in the house that I thought he might enjoy. He did!

After a misunderstanding, we wound up waiting for each other in different places for at least an hour. However, we finally met, ate at McDonalds, and went to Picacho (the Jesus statue that overlooks the city). That was great, because it was something I had been wanting to do.

Then came time to say goodbye. I didn't want to do it. I wanted to talk more and get to know him better. Although I can speak Spanish fairly well, it's still my 2nd language, so sometimes I don't think of things to say as easily as I would in English. (actually, this is the case most of the time). Nevertheless, we took a final picture, gave each other a big hug, and said goodbye.

Where does this leave me? I don't know. I will definitely write him letters - because they can be more meaningful to me and to him. It seems like he's really well taken care of at the Compassion project there in La Entrada. I would like to visit.

For now, I'm left with joy for seeing Enrique, sadness for leaving him, and a heart that deeply wants to impact individual children's lives. It only takes ONE person to do that.

1 comment:

Chris Giovagnoni said...

I enjoy reading your blog, and I'm pleased that you were able to spend some time with Enrique right before Christmas. You may be interested in a recent post of mine. I'm offering to make a $150 family gift to one Compassion-assisted child's family. You can read the details here.