Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Students

This week is moving quite rapidly.... It's nice not to be teaching and planning as many lessons. However, there is still plenty to get done! My latest headache has involved the whole money issue. How will I get money while in Honduras? That's the question I'm still asking myself. Other than that, the week is going well. I'm tired, but love being at school with my students. I feel like I can be myself at school. My cooperating teacher has seen that, as well. Sure, life is not perfect at school (anyone who thinks that is crazy), but I can say that I'm genuinely happy where I am. My students have really grown on me, and I have come to care about them deeply. (This was not the case at the beginning of the year). :-) I wrote a journal entry last night about how my students have grown. It's so exciting to watch the students - especially a few specific students - change and grow into responsible third graders. It's fantastic, and I have decided that it's the best part of the job of being a teacher.

I must run to grade papers, write a rubric for projects that will be turned in tomorrow, and go to Walmart with Leeann. I have a feeling that trip will last awhile :-). Until later (probably in Honduras!!!!),


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