Friday, January 18, 2008

Compassion Letter

for :

Dear Christy Carlson,Thank you so much for writing a letter to your sponsored child.Please write again soon!Remember, your e-mail does not go directly to your child. Yourletter will go through the normal translation process and be mailedto your sponsored child as soon as possible.Please keep this copy of your letter for your own records.Thanks for making a difference in the life of a child,Compassion International.

This is a letter I wrote to the Compassion child that I personally sponsor. He has written me 3 times just this fall! I figured it was about time that I write back to him. I chose to sponsor Benjamin about a year and a half ago. During a 5 week Spanish-learning trip to Ecuador, I visited a Compassion International project in Cuenca (the city where I was staying). Because of my love for the country of Ecuador and Compassion, upon returning to the U.S., I looked for a child from Cuenca whom I could sponsor. Although there was no one, this little boy kept coming up online under those who had waited the longest for a sponsor. He was from a town close to Cuenca. Because of those circumstances and the Spirit's leading, I chose to sponsor Benjamin. I think I will someday visit Cuenca again, and, the idea is that when I do that, I will be able to also visit Benjamin.

Querido Benjamin, El 18 de enero, 2008
¡Hola! Estoy bien emocionada que pueda escribirte. ¡Gracias porescribirme tanto! Me alegro leer tus cartas y saber como estás.

¿Cómo estás? Estoy muy contenta y alegre. No he escrito a ti porunos meses porque he estado haciendo una practica para la Universidad. Le falta un semestre antes de que yo me gradue. ¡No puedo creer que ya ha pasado 4 años en la Universidad! Estoy estudiando la educación primaria y español. ¿En cuál grado estás ahora? De octubre a diciembre yo estuve trabajando como maestra enuna escuela bilingue en Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Honduras es un país muy lindo, con montañas como Ecuador. Tuve la oportunidad practicar español más. Espero que haya mejorado. Decidí que voy a escribirteen español e inglés para que puedas practicar más el inglés, si túquieras. ¿Tomas una clase de inglés, no?

Me preguntaste que fue mi color favorito. Es rojo. Me gustanotros colores, pero lo más me gusta es rojo. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?

También, quieres saber cuantos años tengo. Acabo de cumplir 22 años el 2 de enero.

Me alegro que tienes tantos deseos y anhelos. Continúes en pensar,orar, y soñar así.

¿Cómo están tus clases? Espero que estén bien. Eres un muchacho muy especial y sé que estás esforzando mucho en la escuela. Estoy escribiendo esta carta y mirando a tu foto que está sobre elescritorio.

Gracias que siempre ores por mi. Las oraciones a Dios son muy fuertes y poderosas. Por favor, ores que Dios me dé sabiduría porqueno sé donde voy a trabajar cuando me gradue. Necesito sabiduría durante la busqueda por un trabajo. ¿Puedo orar por algo específico para ti y tu familia? Oro por ti, que crezcas a ser un hombre valiente y fuerte en Dios. Te despido con amor para ti y tu familia.
Chao con amor,

January 18, 2008
Dear Benjamin,
Hello! I'm so excited that I can write you. Thank you for writing me so much! It makes me happy to read your letters and know how you are doing.

How are you? I am very content and happy. I haven't written to you for a few months because I have been doing a practicum for the University. I only have one semester left before I graduate. I cannot believe that four years at the University have passed! I am studying elementary education and Spanish. What grade are you in now? From October to December I was working as a teacher in a bilingual school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Honduras is a beautiful country with mountains like Ecuador. I had the opportunity to practice Spanish more. I hope that I have gotten better. I decided that I am going to write you in Spanish and English so you can practice English more, if you want. You're taking a class in English, right?

You asked me what my favorite color was. It's red. I like other colors, but the color I like the best is red. What is your favorite color?

Also, you want to know how old I am. I just turned 22 years old on January 2nd.

It makes me happy that you have so many hopes and desires. Continue to think, pray, and dream like this.

How are your classes? I hope they are good. You are a very special boy and I know that you are working really hard in school. I am writing this letter and looking at your picture that is on my desk.

Thank you for always praying for me. Prayers to God are very strong and powerful. Please pray that God will give me wisdom because I don't know where I am going to work when I graduate. I need wisdom during the search for a job. Can I pray for something specific for you and your family? I pray for you, that you will become a brave and strong man in God. Goodbye with love for you and your family.

Goodbye with love,

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Compassion Letter

In response to a contest posted at, here is the letter I wrote to my family's Compassion International child.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carlson,
Thank you so much for writing a letter to your sponsored child. Please write again soon!Remember, your e-mail does not go directly to your child. Your letter will go through the normal translation process and be mailedto your sponsored child as soon as possible. Please keep this copy of your letter for your own records. Thanks for making a difference in the life of a child,

Querido Enrique, 6-1-07
¿Cómo estás? Estoy tan emocionada que pueda escribirte. Ahora estoy viviendo en Indiana en una casa con 5 de mis amigas. Empezamos las clases el jueves pasado. Aunque estoy en los EEUU, pienso mucho en ti y en Honduras. He contado muchas cuentas a mis amigos del tiempo que pasé en Honduras.
Tengo que decirte que eres MUY especial a mí y a mi familia. Fue un milagro que tuvimos la oportunidad de conocernos cara a cara. Espero que te gustó el viaje y Tegucigalpa, McDonalds, el Picacho (la estátua de Jesucristo), el hotel y todo que estaba incluído en la visita. ¿Cual fue tu cosa favorita de la visita? Para mí, fue maravillosa verte y pasar tiempo contigo. Eres muy chistoso y divertido. Estoy segura que tu familia está muy orgullosa de tí.
Leí a tus cartas viejas y vi a los dibujos. ¡Son muy lindos!
¿Cómo está tu familia? ¿Cuándo empieza la escuela? ¿Has disfrutado las vacaciones? Disfruté las vacaciones de Navidad muchísimo. Fue increíble pasar tiempo con mi familia otra vez.
Enviaré algunas fotos del tiempo que pasemos juntos en elcorreo proxímo. ¡Espero que nunca se pierda tu sonrisa y espíritu linda!

Con amor,
Christy (para la familia Carlson)

(In English)
Dear Enrique, January 6, 2007
How are you? I'm so excited that I can write you. Right now I am living in Indiana in a house with five of my friends. We started classes last Thursday. Although I'm in the United States now, I think about Honduras and you a lot. I have told my friends a lot of stories about the time that I spent in Honduras. I have to tell you that you are SO special to my family and me! It was a miracle that we had the opportunity to meet each other in person. I hope that you liked the trip and Tegucigalpa, McDonalds, el Picacho (the statue of Jesus Christ), the hotel, and everything that we did during the visit. What was your favorite thing about our visit? For me, it was wonderful to see you and spend time with you. You are very funny and fun! :-) I'm sure that your family is very proud of you. I read your old letters and I saw the pictures. They're so nice!
How is your familiy? When does school start? Have you enjoyed your vacation? I enjoyed Christmas break a lot. It was incredible to spend time with my family again. Next time I write, I will send some pictures of our time together in Honduras. I hope that you never lose your wonderful smile and spirit.

With love,
Christy (for the whole Carlson family)

*My parents have sponsored a Compassion child since I was young. Although they are responsibile for the financial support, I have always felt that my role was to write letters and communicate with the child. We have sponsored many Compassion children over the years. Compassion chose Enrique for us, because our previous sponsored child dropped out of the program. We began sponsoring him when he was in 2nd grade. He is now entering 7th grade.